1. 包端松散,结束
2. 包端松散结束
3. 完结
4. 完成
- End off one 's talk with a joke .
- 用讲一个笑话来结束谈话。
- He end off his speech by tell a very funny joke .
- 他最後讲了一个非常滑稽的笑话结束了讲话。
- But whether or not I won 't end off here ...... I need a space to release how much I miss him !
- 不过不管怎样,我不会结束这里……我需要一个空间去释放我对他的思念。
- Write your rear end off today .
- 过完今天你写后方。
- Write your rear end off tonight .
- 过完今晚你写后方。
- Press the tie rod end off with a press-out tool .
- 用压出工具压出横拉杆端。
- The year 's events will end off with a celebratory ball next wednesday .
- 下周三的庆祝舞会将为今年的活动画上句号。
- Thanking you for hospitality tear the blank end off .
- 感谢你的隆情厚谊,把空白的这头撕掉吧。
- Write your rear end off tomorrow to populate the new site .
- 过完后面写你明天群岛新址.
- How can we in the end off the mosquito-repellent incense then a good sleep ?
- 到底要怎样才能把蚊香赶跑睡个好觉呢?